Friday, September 23, 2011

Poop in the Yard!

So even though I love my babydog she is making this new apartment thing pretty annoying! I hate havin to walk outside and stand there since she can't open the doors, and the highway is only half a mile away. It just seems like alot more time that I have to spend. Which is fine because I do love my puppy. I just have to get up an extra half hour early everyday simply so I can take her out to go potty.

Every morning I take her outside. Which is not an issue, except now that we moved into our new apartment I have to clean up her poop. Usually I let her out just as I am leaving, and no matter what she somehow always manages to use every last second of the time I allot her. And now she has began taking her jolly time. So this morning I was late for work, because on top of her taking her time, she ONLY poops when I take her out.

My boyfriend takes her out every other time she goes out. But somehow the poop scoop never moves. And its not like I can just pretend like its not her who leaves it. She is the only dog in the complex that I couldn't fit in my purse.  So if I were to leave it out the other residents would know exaclty who it is. I think that she knows that, because she always goes as far away as she can, but she avoids the fields surrounding every side of our apartment complex.

Anyone have any cute pet stories? (although I know mine was not cute!)

Everyone have a wonderful Friday!

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